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Established in June 2018, AOTL is a global entertainment agent/music label based in Tokyo, covering management, production, corporate advertising, and consultation.

As one of the founders of M.A.U Collective along with 3partners, an entertainment agent company, AOTL participates as the management of the company with numerous projects in Southeast and East Asia.

We are inspired by young artists across Asia and are committed to elaborate their talents to present to the world.


2020年4月に設立したベトナムに本拠地を置くエンターテインメント・エージェント会社、M.A.U Collectiveにも4人のパートナーと共に創設者、経営者として参加しており、東南アジア、東アジアを股に掛け数々のプロジェクトを手掛けている。


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M.A.U Collective is an international entertainment agent founded in April, 2020. By 4 partners who have been working in the music and entertainment industry for the last 20 years. The name of the company is M.A.U Collective, meaning Music, Art/Asian, Unlimited. In Vietnamese, it means Màu (Colors). We have networks across the globe mainly in Asia and are capable of putting projects internationally. We provide services in branding, marketing, event planning and music production. Projects that have been implemented by M.A.U Collective includes “ANNAM - Body & Soul Listening Party”, “HIYADAM - Night time in Tokyo” “Suboi - Project management”. We believe everyone has their own colors and embrace the diversity and versatility of Asian artists, with a focus on hip-hop artists and aim to amplify their talents at a global scale.

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